Thursday, April 4, 2013

Anxious for Nothing

This morning I listened to this message by John Piper as I was getting ready for work. I also recently read two devotionals about anxiety by Jerry Bridges (thanks Jill!) and while I was tempted to be anxious, I confidently walked in to work today knowing that I have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me and that by the Holy Spirit I could be free from anxiety. It's been busy a week so far. I woke up Monday refreshed and ready to go back to work after having a week off for Spring Break. Twenty emails (and at least twenty interruptions) later, I knew it would be a long week. By Wednesday I had finally caught up on my work - just in time for the audit that would take place on Thursday.



 One of my least favorite times of the year. I have only been given two directions when it comes to auditing 1) Don't be sick and 2) Don't offer too much information. On top of auditing, we also had awards ceremonies today (and have one more tomorrow) and I have a deadline that was moved from Tuesday to tomorrow (yikes!).

The pressure is on and it is crunch time!

I do have to say though today I was completely overwhelmed by God's grace. I heard that the auditor was just asking simple questions (that's always a good sign). When it was my turn to be interviewed, I prayed as I walked hoping the torture audit would end soon. The auditor I had was actually nice (what?!) and cute (that always helps) and single (. . . I did a ring check). Since he was nice, I was actually able to relax. The auditor that came last year (my only previous auditing experience) was cut and dry and to the point. The auditor this year (Drew - not that I remember his name or anything . . . ) was actually personable (what a concept). I told my co-workers that I thought he was cute and next thing I knew, one of them had called my supervisor and she was going to attempt to get his business card (double yikes!!). Long story short, my day turned out better than expected because Christ allowed me to find joy in my circumstances (something that has been lacking for a while). I was teased all day long and even had to take my ten minute break and walk away from my desk because I couldn't stop laughing! The temptation to be anxious actually ceased! I have learned that God's grace is more than sufficient for my needs and I am so grateful that he conquered the sin of anxiety when He died on the cross and the burden is no longer mine to bear. 


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