Wednesday, July 11, 2012

30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Today has been very tiring. Not in the busy, draining way of typical day to day life, but in the living and dwelling within every moment and cherishing it knowing that it will not last kind of way. Part of today's challenge included reading Colossians 2: 13-14, which I fell in love with. Jesus took my debt and nailed it to the cross! I am no longer weighed down by the burden of my sin past, present or future because it has been paid for on the cross! As Romans 8:1 says, "There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," (ESV). I no longer have to pay the wages of my sin, which Romans 6:23tells us is death. I'm free as a bird! And if that's not enough to make a believer rejoice in a grace filled life, then I don't know what is! I've included some pictures of my day so I can share with you what made me grateful throughout the day.

Enough said!

I love that my grandma still has the Strawberry Shortcake cups that I used to drink out of as a little girl! I still love coming back to visit every year to see if they're still here.

I love that my sister came with us on this family trip. Thank you Jesus for how you are working and praise be to You for answered prayer.

I love that the lighting was perfect for this shot.

Delicious food prepared by loving hands.

Fresh picked strawberries.

I have been WAITING to get a shot like this for a few months and today, I finally got it!

I love that my aunt and uncle have made their home a place that is kid friendly. Looking at the toys and the swing remind me that there are children here and to me that means that there is life here.

Friends, Christ saving us from God's wrath, canceling our debt before an awesome and holy God and crowning us with His righteousness is more than enough to be thankful for. The fact that we have other things to enjoy is a patent testimony to how loving and gracious Christ is toward us.



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